October 9, 2018 ~ 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Self-Publishing: From Inspiration to Publication
Hosted by Langley Library
104 Second St, PO Box 365
Langley, Washington 98260
Modern self-publishing has never been easier – and reality is the best test. Hear stories from BagpiperDon about being a baker on Whidbey Island, as well as why and how he is self-publishing his first recipe book – and his several books already in the works. Don Scoby will talk about the details of self-publishing while Tom Trimbath will talk about the general realities of self-publishing, why it has become so popular, and what authors should keep in mind. Are you ready to start on your self-publishing path?
December 5, 2018 ~ between 7 PM & 9 PM
Don presents “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies”
Hosted by Whidbey Island Beekeepers during their Monthly Meeting
Freeland Public Library
5495 S Harbor Ave Freeland, WA 98249
The Whidbey Island Beekeepers Association has been kind enough to invite me to present my recipe book at their monthly meeting. I am not clear if these are private meetings or open to the public, so if you plan to attend you may wish to check. I will have copies of my book and possibly some shirts available.