April 2019 an idea popped into my head! One of those ideas that hits you like a two-ton heavy thing — it’s clear as day and stops you in your tracks unable to say pretty much anything other than “Oh … WOW!“ What was this idea??? To write an e-book using the four free recipes already available on my site for you to download.
My plan was to publish this free e-book on certain online places that get more web-traffic than my lil-ol’ WIBC site — all intended to gain more attention to my book, Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies. In the book-biz this is called “permafree” — an e-book you publish and ‘sell’ for free, making a sample of your writing available to grow your audience. In two weeks time I banged out this e-book — content, cover-art — the works!

I was All Set To Go! I had my project uploaded to my target site and went to hit publish …. but then I found out they wouldn’t let me sell my book for $FR.EE (/sad face). OKAY — FINE — I went to another site. They wouldn’t let me publish an e-book that was for the purpose of advertising for a book I’m selling (you know, for money).
This past Thursday, while talking-shop and sharing-grumblings with author Eldritch Black this project came up again. He impressed upon me the value completing it now instead of after my current publication project.
on my permafree e-book!
I have been back to work on this permafree-project since Thursday evening and made quite a bit of progress! Instead of publishing 1 e-book with 4 recipes I may publish 2 — one featuring cookie squares, the other focused on biscotti. Keeping in mind December holidays, my guess … this endeavour will be launched around the end of the month. Maybe sooner, maybe later.
(BTW, here is Eldritch’s permafree book — The Night of the Christmas Letter Getters)
ALSO TALKING WITH Eldritch Black …
While Eldritch has been writing spooky tales to scare children since 2014 — which is ghastly, and we’ve pleaded with him to stop — for all his quirks he is not entirely without merit. Among other things he is rather well-studied with regard to book marketing. During our most recent meeting he tactfully pointed out that the cover of my book is only So-So as market effectiveness goes. Although I had this notion already, his feedback was invaluable! The pictures used for the artwork were ones I had &/or were taken shortly before I was ready to publish (er, the 1st time). Eldritch and I are going to talk in January — after all the holiday hub-bub — about getting a new design for my book-cover. New artwork has the potential to improve the marketability for my book — and I’m all for that!
A few months ago I learned of Gorham Printing — right here in Washington! They print books like mine with one difference — they don’t charge an arm & a leg for color pictures inside of a book. I’ve seen their work and it’s nothing short of STRIKING!!! Most of the time if you want colour pictures inside your book it is price-prohibitive. While Gorham isn’t inexpensive either, they make it financially-fea$ible.
Once I have my new book cover for Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies I intend to begin ordering a small supply — 5-10 at a time. Obviously these will sell for higher than my Amazon copies. These colour copies will only be available through me — face-to-face sales or mail-order (+S&H) …. So get your PayPal accounts ready — I also have Square-Reader, I can take credit cards.
Best, Don