I try to write a blog post here about once a week week. Sometimes I hit that mark, sometimes I fall short depending on how busy I am, and occasionally I crank out two or three. I thought I’d take a minute to share with you about these locations.
Earlier today I wrote a quick post on the website of the podcast I recently started with my friend, TomTrimbath. Together, we have taken on the topic of all-things Writing On Whidbey Island — which is the name of our show, or WOWI for short. We’ve realized that there is a considerable collection of writers here on the island, along with other things having to do with writing, and we wish to present its unique character. Tom and I pop up at different places here on the island, explore different writing related topics, and host conversations (not a hard Q&A) with other authors and people in the writing arena.
I blog about my experiences as a musician at BagpiperDon.com. I also write about Zombie movies and books … because, well, ZOMBIES!
And last but not least, I of course post right here at The Biscotto – A Bakers Blog. I write about my culinary creation process, experiences as a writer, and give kitchen tips … among other things.
July is my busiest month of the year! Usually this is due to all the events and dates I participate in as a Highland bagpiper while staying on top of everything else. This year it seems like it has been a whole different juggle…
I just got back from the Seattle Highland Games. These games have been going on for nearly 75 years and is the second largest event of its kind on the US west coast, held annually on the last weekend of July. This year’s event was a long, hot weekend — and another great event! For me it proved to be a good book sales weekend.
As I left Whidbey Island I delivered additional copies of Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies to Kingfisher Bookstore in Coupeville and at Goose Community Grocery in Bayview. While in Enumclaw (where the Highland Games were) I sold a number of copies including some to veterans whom I give a military discount. Something I’m particularly excited about is that I made contact with a friend of mine from my last round of college — Richard has a gift basket business and he is looking to feature my book. More on that ASAP! My book business went so well that I think I need to re-order for my supply. If you’re interested in a book or e-book for yourself, please order on Amazon.com. Also, my e-book is 25% off through July 2019 on Smashwords.com.
Usually my summer schedule begins to mellow after July. For 2019 that doesn’t seem to be the case. Coming up in August I will be …
Juggling time between helping Meg with Kingfisher Bookstore during the Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival and participating in a meet-the-author event at Goose Grocery the same weekend, and…
Taking it extra easy Sunday night Priorities
Eight forty five PM Priorities
And it’s time for a new post on my Facebook page
I’ve played bagpipes for the last 3 days Priorities
I’m exhausted and recovering Priorities
Back to work on my book tomorrow Priorities
Okay, so Elton John did a much better job on those lyrics than I did…
Time for a quick update — some maybe not so new…
Life of a bagpiping budding recipe book author — it has a certain quirky romance to it, but in reality it can be a juggle … well, on top of fixing a truck, contributing to finish building a house, and helping to support one’s parents. Since late last year I’ve had to prioritize these things — and shift my priorities depending on the week! Priorities
I’ve been working to knock down my ToDo List, and frankly … I’ve had a few things to get out of the way to where I can refocus on finishing my book. Priorities
Frankly … today has been spent resting
The last 3 days I’ve been on a St. Patrick’s Day tour playing Celtic-rock both with Geoffrey Castle and my own band, Nae Regrets. Each day things ramped up. Thursday I opened for Geoff in Kirkland. Friday morning I had a Nae Regrets rehearsal in the morning and then played for Geoff in the historic Mount Vernon Lincoln Theater (video below). Saturday Nae Regrets played in Mountlake Terrace, then I flew down to Auburn to play for Geoff, and then I flew back to Maplewood neighborhood in North Seattle for Nae Regrets to play a house party. And then I got my tired self home and CRASHED until 10AM Sunday morning.
Imagine each red ball as things I’m working on — yeah, it’s about like that right now
All of the shows went well. Taking off for three days and playing was also a nice break from everything I’ve been focused on. AND NOW …
I’m pleased to announce that a variety of ToDo items are out of my way and I can make finishing my recipe book my prime focus …. at least until something else comes up. Yeah, I never learned to juggle in practical terms however I sure can figuratively juggle!
So this week I aim to… bake cookies and take pictures to make some step-by-step instruction photos, work up the surprise content, and address some final writing. And depending on how I’m feeling tomorrow, rest-up some more from this fantastic past weekend!