As many know, I get busy and fall off the radar around this time every year. For five years now I’ve been doing seasonal SCUBA diving work. As interesting as that might sound, it’s anything but glamorous — chiefly, I pull weeds out of marinas and swim areas. It’s strenuous, exhausting, dirty work, and I’ve enjoyed every minute. I thought I might show a little of that — here are some pictures from the most recent job I was on pulling weeds and garbage at a swim area …
Empty tank — time to get a new one … and a sandwich!Time to pop back in…This looks so Baywatch — right?!This was at the end of the day — my boss asked me to do surface work, which involves swimming around and catching picked weeds floating around that didn’t get collected in our bags while under water.Get your mask in the right spot and don’t get water on the inside … it’s quite preferable!I usually work in the water for 4-6 hours — moving efficiently is key — even when swimming without gear.No matter how efficient one works, at the end of the day it can be difficult to get up and out of the water.
So why do I disappear in spring? Frequently, this work takes me away from the Whidbey Island Baking Company headquarters. The jobs are in the spring, so I have to go do the work when I can get it. Between jobs I’m busy staying on top of everything else. This keeps me a bit too involved for my Recipes Of The Month and working on my books … but it’s good to get away from time to time, right?
From time to time I’ve seen other authors online do book giveaways. These fine folks set up little competitions, and in the end someone wins something from their library of books — YAY! I became an author four years ago, so I figure it’s about time I give it a try …
What’s at stake? A copy of my debut recipe book — “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies”! This book features over 50 proven recipes including cookies, biscotti, coffee, some breakfast items, and other comfort foods. It also has 3 of my original compositions for Highland bagpipes … somehow I suspect most people get use out of the recipes.
Allow me to clarify a few things up front …
To enter my book giveaway you must e-mail me your answer to the following challenge. I will put your e-mail address on my book-release notification mailing list. I dislike mailing lists — and I figure you do to — so I will only e-mail if …
You won — YAY!
To notify you of my book releases (obviously!), &/or …
If there is something I think you really need to know.
Later, if you want to get off my book-release notification list — no problem — just email me and ask! Oh, and I have to say, please give everyone else a fair chance — only e-mail me with one answer to the challenge, and only message me from one e-mail address. I will disqualify anyone I find sending in multiple answers … so … don’t do it … or at least don’t get caught … but come on, play fair and let’s keep it fun!
Also, I have no intention of starting a news letter. I will not be emailing people weekly or daily or monthly or yearly — those drive me bonkers! I’m busy enough publishing a free recipe of the month as it is.
My Upcoming Books
I am working to release 5 (yes, five) new books with the following release goals …
Thanksgiving / Xmas / New Years cookie recipe book — September 2022
2020 Recipe Of The Month Keepsake book — October 2022
2021 Recipe Of The Month Keepsake book — November 2022
Scot / Irish recipe book — February 2023
2022 Recipe Of The Month Keepsake book — March 2023
Find the error — or what you think is the error — and e-mail me with your answer. If you give me the right answer, your name / e-mail address will go into a ‘hat’ (figuratively speaking) with the other correct entries. At the end of April 2022 one of these entries will be drawn along with a few runners-up. I will e-mail and notify the winner — I will wait 7 days to hear back from this individual as to where to mail their book and if they want their copy signed (and so-on down the list of names drawn). I intend to further announce the name and city of the winner on social media after making contact by e-mail.
If this goes well … I just might do more giveaways in the future!
What if I just want to get on your new book notification list, Don?
Great — no problem! Just e-mail me with a note saying that you would like to be added to my new book notification list — and … Voilà!
What if I don’t win?
CONGRATULATIONS! You have the opportunity to grab a copy of my FREE SAMPLE e-book “Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti!” — available through most major e-book retailers! Within this fabulous first free e-book edition are 2 recipes from Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies. You will also see a step-by-step photo section that guides you through a few processes that some folks might find a little more tricky. Check it out!
Watch here on for further updates on my upcoming books along with my Facebook and Twitter online locations.
Shutter-bugs, Photographers, Folks with Photo-collections – I need your help!
One of my nutcrackers — not these — will stand guard for Christmas
My latest cookie recipe book is on track to publish Spring 2022. This book will feature tasty treats for winter holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Although time is getting snug, I think I’ll make it – but I need a few pictures …
The photos of my cookies are in good shape. I have found that getting other people involved makes my books more fun. What I lack are pictures for the chapter openings.
What I am looking for are simple photos with a single icon that is immediately recognizable with its holiday. I have a small collection of nutcrackers, and I will be taking a picture of one to represent Christmas. I still need photos that represent Thanksgiving and New Years*.
* Update – I may have some New Years fireworks photos to choose from already.
I will of course need colour photos with good composition, lighting, and resolution. These pictures be used in multiple products – print books, e-books, etc – possibly in some marketing. The contributors of these photos will be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of the book and receive a complimentary copy of the book in gratitude. Also, the copyright section of the book will acknowledge you as the owner of the image.
(Note that the primary product will be a print book with black & white photos in the interior, including these chapter openings.)
Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone here in the U.S.! Many of us spent the holiday with relations, having huge feasts, yelling at the game on T.V., and starting our Christmas shopping. Not me — I pent five days all to myself — and it was WONDERFUL! Don’t get me wrong — like you I enjoy a little travel, time with friends and family, and even being involved in the cooking (for obvious reasons) — however I also immensely value my personal time. For what might not be so obvious … I’m an introvert — I’m glad to spend five days straight doing my own thing and not seeing another soul! Audiobook Narrator
In advance of the holiday weekend I wrote myself a To-Do List. For the most part it was a collection of things that are different from my regular grindstone tasks — and frankly … they were more interesting, too. As my five-days-alone approached I got excited to dive in on my list. Oh yeah, I’d planned to make progress on all this stuff, get some time on neglected projects. So when the first day hit …. yeah, I didn’t really do anything. The second day went pretty much the same way. Then I remembered …. every once in a while, take a break! After two days I forgave myself and then rolled up my sleeves. Now at the end of my five days most of the list is not marked off, but I’m pleased with things I have done. Audiobook Narrator
But how does this relate to audiobook narration?
Wanna guess who’s my hand model?
One of the scribbled lines on my To-Do List was to audio record my debut recipe book “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies”. Why would I do this? Well, for one … because I can … and for two, because I’m once again exploring the idea of becoming a professional Audiobook Narrator.
In “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies” I tell the story of how my recipe book came to be — which includes dealing with a hard drive crash 1/2 way through*. Around that time I had a laugh with my editor — obviously I can read, I have a small collection of recording gear from my other super hero persona as a musician, and I’ve been told I have a nice voice — I could make an audiobook version of my recipe book!!! The laugh was that I could completely produce this myself at little cost, but who would want to listen to a recipe book?!? … And then I found some recipe books that ARE also available in audiobook form. The laughter stopped and the research began.
* NOTE — Back-up your hard drive.
Life Of The Audiobook Narrator
Long-story-short … audiobook narrators are work-from-home contractors who get paid to read books aloud and prepare their finished recordings for the client. Tons of information about the industry is available online. If you dig down you can find the ‘realities of the industry‘ as well. While many articles sing the praises of the work and tell you what’s involved, only some of them break down the hard numbers and tell you what you didn’t know or maybe don’t want to hear. Me … I DO want to get that part of the picture. Twice before I’ve toyed with the idea, lately I’ve been taking a hard look at it again.
Getting Ready
I’ve read additional articles and listened to numerous audiobook narrators objectively to understand what they do in their performances. To ‘cut my teeth’ I’ve decided to finally record Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies to see what I think — and to finally produce the audiobook version so I can release it with the upcoming new cover-art for the book and e-book.
Last night I practiced reading some of my recipe book aloud. Something about it felt better than when I last gave it a go (which, unrelated, I did during a power outage because I had little else to do). This time it felt more natural and confident …. no idea why. All I can think of is that I’ve had nearly a year of listening to additional audiobooks — when I listen it’s not only for entertainment and interest, part of me also tries to observe what the author is doing. Perhaps part of it too is that I’ve listened to about 1/2 a dozen topical books since spring 2021 — straight reading which the narrators need to bring out as opposed to working with a diversity of characters in fiction. A recipe book requires straight reading, which a good narrator will give intonation to keep it interesting to the reader.
I just finished about 30 minutes of recording work and I’m about to listen to the playback. I feel good about this. Let’s see how it goes …
But What About Recipe Books?!?
Yes, I had a production baking business. Yes, I switched to writing recipe books. Yes, I am also a professional musician. And, yes, I like to eat and have bills to pay. I have been working to get work since closing the production baking — clearly with little luck. Frankly folks, writing and selling books alone is not enough — BiscottiDon needs a day-job. My passion for baking, cooking, and writing (and playing bagpipes) does not change with working a day-job. In fact, I have 3 new recipe books nearing completion — publishing around spring 2022. I’ve been interested in getting a work-from-home position, and audiobook narration looks like it could be a good fit!
You know that I’ve been posting a FREE Recipe Of The Month on my blog since 01Dec2019 — RIGHT?!? This has been an absolute ball — thinking up something different to present, seeing people’s responses online, and knowing that folks are inspired to try new things in their kitchen.
But could there be … more?
YEP – these cookies are GREEN! Trust me, I know – I live in a state where 1/2 of everything is green. So far as I have found little of it tastes minty though.
During this time I have been thinking of ways to do more with these recipes. I could start an e-mail newsletter, a Patreon account, and maybe even produce demonstration videos on YouTube. While I think those are great ideas, these are not really manageable for me at this time.
Instead I have started turning my Recipe Of The Month content into books. My aim is to publish the first two — the 2020 and the 2021 Collections — in early 2022. Folks who want nicely published keepsake copies will be able to get these for their recipe-book shelf and e-reader. My plan is to keep the prices of these low, and the sales will help to support what I do.
What recipes will be in these books?
These books will feature the twelve recipes from the year — and so far each book has ended up with a few bonus recipes! In some cases these recipes will include previously unreleased photos and additional content. Here’s what’s to come in the first two recipe books …
The 2021 Collection — Burmese Chicken Soup, Hot Fudge Pudding Cake, Farls, Grasshopper Squares, Jambon, Cake Mix Cookies, Lemon Almond Pudding Cake, Peppermint Patties, Dirty Chai Coffee Cake, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Graham Cracker Pie Crust, my current November recipe for Peanut Butter Pumpkin Soup(pictured below), my December recipe which hasn’t been decided yet, and a bonus dessert recipe … which you’ll have to buy the book to find out what it is …. but I’ll tell you this, it doesn’t exist anywhere else!
Keep an eye on the WIBC blog
My aim is to release these first two Collections in Spring 2022 along with a Christmas cookie recipe book. Keep an eye to my blog along with Twitter and Facebook for updates!
Have a recipe to submit for me to present as a Recipe Of The Month? Drop me a line!
Want a recipe book NOW?
Wanna guess who’s my hand model?
My debut recipe book — “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies” — is now a 3 year old! If you can’t wait to start buying my Recipe Of The Month annual collection books, fire-up your browser and order a print copy today. Darn Good Cookies is also available in electronic form from most e-book retailers. In it you will learn to make over 50 proven recipes including cookies, biscotti, coffee, some breakfast items, and other comfort foods.
Recently, multi-award winning author, Kathleen Stone, wrote “Scoby’s comfort foods are themselves a thing to behold, but this book is so much more. There are wonderful stories and anecdotes as well as beautiful photographs, and all of that combined with the mouthwatering recipes makes this a book I’m excited to have in my collection. … The book in its entirety embodies what the author is all about — comfort food, family, friends, music and a love for life in general.”
Want to try a few Darn Good Cookies before you buy?
Grab a copy of my FREE SAMPLE e-book “Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti!” — available through most major e-book retailers! In the text you will get 2 recipes from Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies, which will show you my writing and direction style. You will also see a step-by-step photo section that guides you through a few steps that some folks might find a little more tricky. Check it out!