As you will recall I published in October 2018 — and Jacki Dilley was on it early, posting that December. She kindly gave me a 5-star review — according to GoodReads 5-stars means “It was amazing!” So, Jacki, if you’re reading this — THANK YOU. 🙂
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^^^ click the graphic ^^^
If you haven’t read my book yet, please download these FOUR FREE SAMPLE RECIPES. If you like them, I would appreciate it if you would share the recipes, pick up a copy of my book or e-book, and leave a review on the sites mentioned above.
Immediately on the heals of publishing “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies” this past October I dove in to making an e-book version of this first publication. With some tips from my friend and self-publishing coach, Tom Trimbath, along with ideas I gleaned from a few e-articles on the subject*, I made strong progress in a few week’s time.
(*this article in particular)
For the past couple of weeks I have been awaiting a review of my work on the e-book version — and last night I received it BACK! There were positive comments on my work along with some constructive questions — questions about things to correct and things to improve that I was unaware of. I have worked over this list and my document doggedly since last night –I believe I have fixed everything, I have improved a number of things, and I even included a few recipe tweaks that I didn’t mention in my paper book. My understanding is that this work is or should be close to done. I would like to get one more check-over and my aim is to have the e-book published before the holidays at the end of the month — likely sooner!
(*PSST* — I also plan to make an audiobook version of Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies.)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
In the meantime I have kept myself busy working on one of the future books I have conceived — and I have to say, I have made some SMOKIN’ PROGRESS. The funny thing to me (/cue laugh track) is that I didn’t intend on working on this book until I had a few other works published ….. but something about it grabbed my brain and wouldn’t let it go!
^^^ It can be kinda like this ^^^
I’m having a little too much fun working on this future book idea. New recipes have been devised, experimented with, and are taking form. Exciting elements to this book have been added in that I didn’t think of before. There are a few select people I have shared the details of this project with and they’ve gotten on-board to help. This book feels like it’s writing itself!