A year ago I started work on a free-sample e-book. Life happened, Corona Virus quarantine stuff happened, priorities shifted and I wasn’t able to immediately finish the project. 15December2020 my permafree e-book “Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti!” … PUBLISHED!!! Since then, thing have been so busy I haven’t even had time to list the e-book on my site.
(Bear in mind, I also published a book on November 22nd and have been busy promoting it, too — find out more on BagpiperDon.com.)

This morning I woke to a message from my friend, Eldritch Black — another author here on Whidbey Island. He has far more game than I do when it comes to the book-business world. Lacking all possible caffeine in my system, I understood his message to say that “Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti!” was listed on FreeBooksy. I thought to myself, “What’s it doing on there — I didn’t list with them?!?” Eldritch went on to say that it was registering at 48 in Amazon’s Top 100 and that I really needed to go take a look.
Saving you details of my sleep-tussled hair and long drawn out drama involved with getting out of bed, I finally got to my laptop and started examining data. Over the course of today I watched the results from my author-interface on Amazon.com. FreeBooksy’s free promotion Made Things GO NUTS!
Before I give you the end-of-day numbers, understand a few things first …
- “Free” technically has a dollar amount — it is $0.00.
- When someone buys a free e-book it counts as a sale.
- My previous best number of sales in a day for Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti was 104 copies on its second day of publication. I’ve been proud of that number because most of those came from my work to promote it using my Twitter profile.
By the end of today,
my free-sample e-book achieved…
#35 Free in Kindle Store (Top 100)
#1 in 45-Minute Cookbook, Food & Wine Short Reads
#1 in Dessert Baking (Kindle Store)
#1 in Cookie Baking (Kindle Store)
And my little-ebook-that-could reached a new Record Sales In A Day rank …
2,822 Copies
It’s been a wonderfully wild day for Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti!
Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti is free and I intend for it to remain free. It is also available at Smashwords, B&N, iTunes, Kobo, and …. well … pretty much everywhere. Free. Look for it on your favourite e-book retailer’s site. Also, please inform your local library that all of my e-book titles should be on Overdrive and are available to libraries for FREE — ask that they add these to their collection. The recipes and writing in this book are directly out of Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies. If you like these recipes please consider a copy for your kitchen collection. And as always — your book review on Amazon and GoodReads helps to support the author, other readers, and is greatly appreciated.