I’m fortunate to be friends with other folks who are budding authors — and since publishing I have also come into contact with some established authors (like Craig Gordon, whom I recently blogged about). Something that’s really cool is that everyone is asking everyone questions and loads of people are happy to help with what they know!
(See my “PPS” below — I’ve even gotten into it!)
Recently I asked Nick Marsden a few questions and he suggested podcasts by Joanna Penn. This was a wonderful suggestion and I’m grateful to Nick for making it! Since Nick’s suggestion I have only heard 2 of Joanna Penn’s podcasts. The content fit my needs well, and looking at the list of her other podcasts I want to listen to all 400+ shows ASAP! Interesting interviews and all sorts of topics that speak to my writing interests.
By The Way …
Here are Nick and Joanna’s important links
- Nick Marsden on Amazon and Facebook
- Joanna Penn on Amazon and at The Creative Penn on FB
- …and Be Sure To See Nick’s guide on how to write a 3-Dimensional Story — I’m using with it myself!
If you’re a new author, an author who is already on their way, or someone who is questioning if they should write ‘that first book’, I encourage you to check out Joanna Penn’s podcasts — and take off on your journey!
PS — If you have suggestions of other podcasts for authors on the topics of writing, publishing, marketing, and more, please let me know 🙂
PPS — I’ve been contacted by new authors across the country and around the world for information on self-publishing — how cool is that?!? I’ve directed them to the presentation I did with Tom Trimbath — which is coming up again …)
The Creative Penn Podcast: Writing, Publishing, Book Marketing, Making A Living With Your Writing