Tag Archives: frosting

Celtic Cookie Experiment – UPDATE

LOVE baking experiments!

Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies COVERWhen I get an idea for a recipe or a way to tweak a baking recipe that calls for an experiment!  It’s actually how a number of my recipes came to be as you can find in Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies.  About half the time I try something new and it works out ‘right’ on the first try — which I consider lucky.  The other half of the time I can usually get what I’m aiming for after about 3-5 tries with recipe tweaks in between.

Lately I’ve had an idea for a new cookie that is so vivid in my mind I can see it — I can nearly taste it!  It’s a Celtic-themed cookie which I’ve talked a little about recently.  During the past few weeks I’ve been looking for the right time to experiment with it.  My delay has mostly been due to not having hot water has been out in my place, and given what I’ve thought to do …. yeah, I need to not be heating water to clean up afterwards.

microwaveTonight I gave it a go!  Well, not all of the experiment ….  what I tried was the frosting.  In this case, melted chocolate chips infused with coffee — and it FAILED!  I appreciate failures like this near as much as times of accomplishment.  What I tried didn’t work and now I know what not to do.  For this I am NOT using a microwave!

I have a new idea to try and I should be giving it a go …. this Saturday?  What will it be …. probably buttercream frosting … simple, easy, duh!

More updates to come 🙂

~ Don