Tag Archives: The Machine

Put in the Spotlight by Craig Lea Gordon

Do You Like Sci-Fi?

If you do then you need to know about Craig Lea Gordon …

Craig Lea Gordon — playable at 33RPM

After three years of work, last fall I began to see the ‘light at the end of the tunnel‘ on writing my first recipe book, “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies“.  As my publication date grew close I started looking online for other independent authors — I wanted to find folks who were going for it like me, men and women who were sharp and well experienced.  There were numerous questions I had, which I not only thought I could ask these authors but also learn from them by observing what they do.  Among these authors I was fortunate to come across Craig Lea Gordon and his work.

Craig lives and writes in North East England — where Gordon Sumner is from …. you know, Sting?!?  He comes across as a pleasant blend of being smart as a whip and extremely down to earth.  I picked up on him through a free e-book offer, and in my opinion what Craig writes is AMAZING!  First I got the e-book and then I started receiving e-mails from the guy — Craig, not Sting.  One of his e-mails offered that I could join his Facebook group — which then lead to getting my hands on a copy of “The Machine“.

I have a few problems when it comes to books…

One of these problems is that I LOVE BOOKS.  I’ll get a stack of books — often from a used book store — and I want to read them All.  One or two of them will catch my eye at home were I already have a few books open …. it’s an interesting book … I’m looking forward to reading it …. and I tell myself, “Well, I can just read the first few pages to get a sense of it and then put it down until I’ve finished one of my other books.”  Yeah … that never works …. and the next I know I have four or five books that I’m in the middle of and loving*.  I did this with “The Machine”, and as reading goes … I made a wonderful mistake.
* For the record, I currently only have three books that I’m reading … maybe four.

The Machine is rich in detail and has a creepy-factor that is palpable!  The last time I read a book that had this level of ambiance was authored by a well-known writer here in Washington State by the name of Frank Herbert … you know, the guy who wrote DuneYeah, The Machine is like that!

Craig’s most recent book!

As for Craig, he’s a swell guy!  He updates us on his literary projects in his Facebook group, we get to see sneak previews of his cover art, and he presents weekly ‘What Sci-Fi Film Is This’ challenges … which I get the right answer to about half the time … and consequently realize how much sci-fi I’ve seen.  Craig even puts up with my sense of humor, which for that alone he should probably get knighted.

And here’s part of why I’m making sure you know about Craig and his writing — because lately …. he did me a solid!

(Read on ….)

(Yep … keep scrolling down.)

This wasn’t actually a surprise*, but let’s pretend that it was… because that’s more fun!

Ten days ago I received Craig’s most recent e-mail update.  First he told his followers about how the holidays went with his family.  Then Craig let us know how to get Advance Reader Copies of his next book “The Acid Suite”.  The he told us about two other authors’ books — now, bear in mind, Craig has an international following with his e-mails.  One of these books is titled “The Rig” by Roger Levy, and the other one …. well …. it wasn’t a sci-fi book at all!?!  In fact, Craig told everyone about “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies” by yours truly!!!  Craig wrote about my participation on his Facebook group and even plugged my book on Amazon — WOW!
* Craig messaged me a few days earlier and kindly asked if I would mind if he did this … PHHT, like I was going to say No?!?

Check out what Craig is doing at his homepage along with Facebook & Twitter — you can even get a free e-book copy of his first Acid Suite book “Transmit“.  Dark palpable sci-fi cyberpunk … oh yeah, Craig is your new author!

And Craig …. Thank You,
~ Don

Craig Links You Need To Know About